Art Collecting Magazine – журнал об искусстве, кино, моде и стиле жизни

The Influence of the Panama Papers on the Art Market

The influence of the Panama Papers on the art market

The Panama Papers, one of the most significant leaks in journalistic history, had a profound impact on various sectors of…
Art Market Guide (2)

The art market guide

Art Basel Miami Beach

Art Basel Miami Beach is one of the most prestigious art shows in the Americas, attracting a diverse international audience…

Art Basel

Art Basel is one of the most prestigious international art fairs in the world. It is a platform that brings…

Ultracontemporary art

Ultracontemporary art is a genre of art that is characterized by its immediacy, relevance, and engagement with the present moment.…

Ultra-contemporary art

Ultra-contemporary art is a term that has been gaining traction in the art world, representing a movement that pushes the…
How To Price Artwork Correctly

How to price artwork correctly

Pricing artwork correctly is a critical aspect of being a successful artist. It can be a complex process as it…
How To Sell Art Online

How to sell art online

As an artist, the digital world offers you a myriad of opportunities to sell your work, reach a wider audience,…
How To Sell Art On Auction

How to sell art on auction

Selling art at an auction can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. It offers a unique opportunity to showcase your…
How To Buy Art On Auction

How to buy art on auction

Buying art at auction can be an exhilarating experience. The thrill of the chase, the tension of the bidding war,…
The Art Market Research

The art market research

The art market is a complex and multifaceted industry, encompassing a wide range of artists, collectors, dealers, galleries, auction houses,…
The Art Market Guide

The art market guide

The art market is a complex and multifaceted industry, encompassing a wide range of mediums, styles, and price points. Whether…
Art Marketplace

Choosing the right marketplace to sell art

Choosing the right marketplace to sell art is a critical decision for any artist. The platform you choose can significantly…
How To Promote Artworks On Marketplaces

How to promote artworks on marketplaces

Art is a form of expression that has been around since the dawn of humanity. Over the years, the art…
How To Promote Artworks In Internet

How to promote artworks in Internet

Promoting artwork on the Internet can be a daunting task, especially for artists who are new to the digital world.…
Kochi Muziris Biennale

The Indian art scene trends

The Indian art scene has been experiencing a significant resurgence in recent years, with a variety of trends emerging that…

The Turkish art scene trends

The Turkish art scene has been experiencing a significant transformation in recent years, with a surge of new talent and…
William Kentridge

The African art scene trends

The African art scene has been experiencing a significant surge in recent years, with a vibrant mix of traditional and…
Wolfgang Tillmans

The German art scene trends

The German art scene is a vibrant, dynamic and diverse landscape that continues to evolve and push boundaries. From Berlin…
Sarah Lucas

The British art scene trends

The British art scene has always been a vibrant and dynamic space, constantly evolving and adapting to reflect the changing…

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