Art Collecting Magazine – журнал об искусстве, кино, моде и стиле жизни

Glitch Art: The Aesthetic of Imperfection

In the digital age, perfection is often the standard. Crisp images, flawless sound, and seamless video are the hallmarks of…

Pixel Art: The Digital Mosaic of the Modern Era

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital art, one form that harks back to the early days of computer graphics yet…

Voxel Art: The Pixel’s 3D Cousin in the Digital Art World

In the realm of digital art, a unique form of expression has been steadily gaining popularity among artists and game…


The Ethereum blockchain has been a fertile ground for the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, with a wide range…


In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Ethereum has established itself as a leading platform for the creation and exchange…


The Ethereum blockchain has become a fertile ground for the development of various decentralized applications and the issuance of digital…


In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Ethereum has established itself as a leading platform for smart contracts and decentralized…


The Ethereum blockchain has become a hub for innovation in the world of decentralized finance and smart contracts. One of…


In the world of Ethereum and smart contracts, interoperability and standardization are key to ensuring that different decentralized applications (dApps)…


The Ethereum blockchain has become a fertile ground for the development of decentralized applications (DApps), largely due to its smart…


In the world of Ethereum, ERC (Ethereum Request for Comment) standards play a crucial role in ensuring interoperability and consistency…

Navigating the Web3 Renaissance: Strategies to Attract Funding for Your Creative Project

The advent of Web3 platforms has ushered in a new era of digital creativity and entrepreneurship. With the rise of…

Attracting Funding for Your Creative Project Online: A Strategic Guide

The Internet has revolutionized the way creative projects find support and funding. With the rise of social media, crowdfunding platforms,…

NFTs: Revolutionizing Fundraising in the Cinema Industry

The cinema industry is no stranger to innovation, constantly adapting to new technologies to tell stories in more engaging ways.…

The Evolution of Cinema: Movies in VR and Metaverses

The cinematic experience has undergone a remarkable evolution since the first motion picture flickered onto screens more than a century…

Revolutionizing Content Creation: The Emergence of AI Video from Text Generation

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, a groundbreaking technology is transforming the way we create and consume video content.…

Unleashing Creativity: How to Make a Movie with AI

The film industry is on the cusp of a revolution, with artificial intelligence (AI) transforming how movies are made, from…

Exploring the Fascinating World of AI in Cinema: A Journey Through Artificial Intelligence Movies

The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) has long captured the imagination of filmmakers and audiences alike. From the early days…

ArtCollecting – Community, Media, Gallery, Arttech company

Bauhaus: the movement that revolutionized modern design

The Bauhaus movement, which originated in Germany in the early 20th century, has left an indelible mark on the world…

Utopian art: envisioning perfect worlds through creative expression

Utopian art is a genre that transcends time, culture, and medium, capturing the human desire for a perfect society. It…

Cosmism in art: exploring the universe through creative expression

The concept of cosmism has found its way into various fields of human thought, from philosophy and religion to science…

The fate of inherited art collections: navigating value and legacy

In the world of fine art, the passage of time is both a curator and a critic. As art collections…

Azerbaijani nonconformism during the Soviet period

The Soviet period, spanning from 1922 to 1991, was a time of significant social, political, and cultural change for the…
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