Art Collecting Magazine – журнал об искусстве, кино, моде и стиле жизни

High End Art Financing

High-end art financing

Art financing has been a significant part of the financial industry for centuries. However, in recent years, the focus has…
Luxury Assets Valuation

Luxury assets valuation

Luxury assets valuation is a complex process that involves assessing the worth of high-end goods such as real estate, fine…
The Blue Chip Art Market

The blue-chip art market

The blue-chip art market refers to the segment of the art industry that involves the buying and selling of high-value,…
Art Backed Lending Solutions

Art Backed Lending Solutions

Art, for centuries, has been a symbol of cultural expression, a medium of communication, and a form of investment. However,…
Art Wealth Reporting And Analytics

Art Wealth Reporting and Analytics

Art is not just a matter of aesthetics and personal expression; it is also a significant asset class that can…
Art As A Financial Asset

Unlocking art as a financial asset by combining data, art and finance expertise

Art has long been considered a valuable asset, both culturally and financially. However, the potential of art as a financial…
Private Sales Of Artworks

Private sales of artworks

Private sales of artworks have become an increasingly popular way for collectors and artists to transact, bypassing the traditional route…
How To Check Authenticity Of Artwork

How to check the authenticity of artwork

Art is a form of expression that has been cherished by humans for centuries. It has the power to evoke…
Art Valuation 1

Art Valuation

Art valuation is a complex and intricate process that involves determining the monetary value of works of art. This process…
Mark Rotko

The essence of Mark Rothko’s abstract paintings

This season, the name of Mark Rothko has not left the front pages of the art media. An exhibition of…

The Best Videos about AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that is transforming the world in unprecedented ways. From self-driving cars and…

ArtTech: what is this

ArtTech, also known as Art Technology, is the intersection of art and technology, where digital innovations and artistic creativity meet…

Top-10 Digital Art Festivals

Digital art has been gaining popularity over the years, with artists using technology to create stunning visuals and immersive experiences.…

Artist Olga Ikonskaya

Artist Vladimir Grishchenkov

Digital art



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Художник Анна Москалева


Интеллектуальный досуг

Юрий Григорян

Юрий Григорян живет и работает в Москве. В 1969 году окончил театральное отделение Московского художественного училища памяти 1905 года, а…
Друзья! Добро пожаловать на главную страницу журнала об искусстве, кино, технологиях, моде и стиле жизни Art Collecting. Мы рассказываем обо всем, что интересует гостей нашего сайта - новостях культуры, премьерах кино, вернисажах выставок, новых работах художников, историях жизни звезд экрана и сцены, блокчейне и криптовалютах, вечеринках и модных показах. Мы надеемся создать журнал нового поколения, который будет интересовать широкую аудиторию профессионалов, которые ведут активный образ жизни, путешествуют, посещают конференции и не пропускают светские события. Наши публикации - для всех, у кого жизнь бьет ключом, кто держит руку на пульсе последних событий.