Art Collecting Magazine – журнал об искусстве, кино, моде и стиле жизни

Managing Financial Risk At Public Auctions

Managing financial risk at public auctions

Managing financial risk at public auctions is a crucial aspect that every bidder, whether an individual or a company, should…
Accountability In The Art Market

How to increase accountability in the art market

The art market is a complex and multifaceted industry that is often shrouded in secrecy and ambiguity. This lack of…
Markets In Crypto Assets Regulation (mica) And The Art Market

Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) and the art market

The intersection of art and technology has always been a fascinating one, and in recent years, it has become even…
AML regulations

Anti-money laundering regulations for art market participants

The art market, with its high-value transactions and international clientele, has long been an attractive venue for money laundering activities.…

Visual art in the age of AI

In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), the landscape of visual art is undergoing a radical transformation. The integration of…
Web3 Nfts Private Art Collections

How Web3 and NFTs can unleash your art collection’s untapped potential

The advent of Web3 and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has opened up a new world of possibilities for artists and art…
Technologies For Family Art Collections

How technology takes family art collections to the next level

Art has been a cornerstone of human culture for centuries, with families often passing down treasured pieces from generation to…
What Family Offices And Principals Need To Know About The Art Market

What family offices and principals need to know about the art market

The art market is a complex and intriguing sector that has been attracting an increasing number of family offices and…
Art Collections Risk Management

Why art collections need the same strategic risk management as other family assets

Art collections, often considered as a passion investment, have been an integral part of family assets for centuries. They are…
Art Investment In The Middle East

The advancements of art investment in the Middle East

The Middle East, a region known for its rich history and diverse cultures, has been making significant strides in the…
Wealth Management Trends

Wealth management trends

The world of wealth management is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements, demographic shifts, and changing investor preferences. As we…
Impact Of Import Vat On Art Circulation

Impact of import VAT on art circulation

The art market is a complex and multifaceted entity, with a myriad of factors influencing its dynamics. One such factor…
Xavier Corbero

UAE art scene trends

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as a global hub for art and culture over the past few years.…
Fang Lijun

Chinese art scene trends

The Chinese art scene has been evolving rapidly over the past few years, reflecting the country's rapid economic growth and…
Kader Attia

French art scene trends

The French art scene has always been a vibrant and dynamic space, known for its innovative and trendsetting nature. From…
Tracey Emin

British art scene trends

The British art scene is a vibrant, diverse, and ever-evolving landscape that reflects the cultural, social, and political climate of…
Takashi Murakami

Japanese art scene trends

Japanese art has a rich history that dates back to the prehistoric Jomon period. Over the centuries, it has evolved…
Olga Ikonskaya

Russian art scene trends

The Russian art scene is a dynamic and evolving landscape that reflects the country's rich cultural heritage and its contemporary…
Art Investment (2)

Art investment

Art investment refers to the practice of buying and selling works of art with the intention of making a profit.…
Art And Wealth Management (2)

Art and wealth management

Art has long been appreciated for its aesthetic value and its ability to inspire and provoke thought. However, in recent…
Art Wealth Protection 1

Art wealth protection

Art is not just a form of expression or a medium of communication; it is also a significant asset. Artworks,…
Private Art And Finance Services

Private art and finance services

The art market is a complex and often opaque industry, where the value of a piece can fluctuate wildly based…
Fine Art Insurance Market

Fine art insurance market

The fine art insurance market is a specialized sector within the broader insurance industry, designed to cater to the unique…
Art Loans For Collectors

Art loans for collectors

Art collecting is a passion that can be quite expensive. For many collectors, the cost of acquiring a piece of…
Друзья! Добро пожаловать на главную страницу журнала об искусстве, кино, технологиях, моде и стиле жизни Art Collecting. Мы рассказываем обо всем, что интересует гостей нашего сайта - новостях культуры, премьерах кино, вернисажах выставок, новых работах художников, историях жизни звезд экрана и сцены, блокчейне и криптовалютах, вечеринках и модных показах. Мы надеемся создать журнал нового поколения, который будет интересовать широкую аудиторию профессионалов, которые ведут активный образ жизни, путешествуют, посещают конференции и не пропускают светские события. Наши публикации - для всех, у кого жизнь бьет ключом, кто держит руку на пульсе последних событий.